Using emacs with htm4l

If you use emacs to edit html files, I suggest you check out html-helper mode, written by Nelson Minar ( I use it, and have the following (more-or-less) in my ~/.emacs file to set things up for editing .htm4l files.

Ignore the leading # signs. I put them in to stop m4 from trying to parse the quotes below. Using changequote didn't help.

# (setq html-helper-new-buffer-template # '("include(`/u/terry/html/m4/macros')\n" # "\n" # "m4_my_start(`', `')\n" # "\n" # "m4_my_end\n") # # html-helper-use-expert-menu t # html-helper-do-write-file-hooks nil) # # (if (and (equal window-system 'x) x-display-color-p)) # (add-hook 'html-helper-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)) # # ;; Undo what html-mode does to ?' because it's important in htm4l # (add-hook 'html-helper-mode-hook # (lambda () # (modify-syntax-entry ?` "('" html-helper-mode-syntax-table) # (modify-syntax-entry ?' "(`" html-helper-mode-syntax-table) # # (mapcar # 'html-helper-add-tag # '((entity "\C-c'" "&`#'39;" "'" ("&`#'39;")) # (entity "\C-c`" "&`#'96;" "`" ("&`#'96;")))))) #

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© Terry Jones (terry <AT> Last modified: Mon Oct 2 02:22:02 CEST 2006